28 August 2011

Fair and Balanced

I have been conducting my own informal and highly unscientific research since Friday. From what I have noticed CNN has reported on the American hurricane at least once an hour every day, sometimes in depth. They even interviewed local shop owners and some child with a dog. I only saw a brief mention of the super typhoon in the Philippines during the weather report. There were no interviews and no dogs.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I am happy to be back from a trip to the far far away.

You raise two interesting questions. Perhaps three, but I cannot read Chinese or Mandarin or the language you are using in parts of your blog.

1. What is news.

I live in Switzerland when not flirting with death here in Mexico. I did read about the cyclone on Swiss sites and note that seven people have died in Taiwan. The main news in Switzerland at the moment are; a fellow was caught going the wrong way on the autoroute. This has been an ongoing story. I discovered today that his blood alcohol level was 1.86. The second bit of news was a cottage burned down in the Berner Oberland. The third story was a speech by the President saying that we should not be so angry at Ghaddafi although he is mad and a criminal for kidnapping those Swiss businessmen and suggesting a Jihad against Switzerland. There was mention of Irene and a calculation of the cost to insurance companies.

2. What is a life worth.

In Switzerland you get a very precise answer. You would be advised formally by the government to buy life insurance or else.

In Mexico, the price of a life is 5000 pesos at the moment. This is about four hundred yankee dollars. You could get a child under fourteen to do it for considerably less of course.

Anonymous said...

Most Americans don't care about what happens elsewhere. Especially in places like the Philippines. So the news is nowhere near fair and balanced. Sad but true.

On a side note, just found your blog, and while I've only read a few entries, it looks like you do a fantastic job of putting out interesting, well written blog pieces.

Mia said...

Garry, 學習中國語言,很容易在16個年.

Skinny, the older posts are easily more interesting than the later posts.