25 December 2010

Mia’s Annual Christmas Message

Hanukkah has been around a lot longer and is observed by a lot more people but it is not nearly as important as Christmas. It is a minor festival. We light candles, say prayers, go about our business. There is no reason to artificially inflate its importance just because it is usually at around the same time as Christmas. Our most important days are usually around September or October. It is ok if you don’t know what they are. We do not need everybody to go crazy over them.


Jo said...

"The purpose of political correctness is to include everybody and not offend anybody." Once again, I agree with everything you say.

I have been offended and a little saddened that my Christmas has been expunged and erased from our culture. People say, "It doesn't feel like Christmas anymore..." Well, that's because it has been taken away from us. It is cultural genocide, and I think that is something people of many other cultures would understand.

I wish everyone could read your blog post.

Mia said...

Everyone can.