28 March 2012

You Can Never Be Too Rich

Isabelle Caro
Photographed by Oliviero Toscani

Aside from the damage to the fashion industry, for whom I frankly don’t have all that much sympathy, I think this law is a bad idea because Israel is a democracy. We have all that free market capitalism going on here. The market is supposed to determine trends, not the state. If people do not like looking at paper thin models they can stop buying the products that advertise with them. When people stop buying, the advertisers will start advertising differently. The top fashion designers prefer to use stick figures, I assume because they are easier to tailor, but if the consumers want to see Kathy Bates instead of Kate Moss then that is who they will use.

I’ve nothing against Kate Moss but she is the only very thin model I could think of by name.

This woman is considered a “plus size” model


Bill said...

If the last five years have taught us anything (and I fear they haven't), it's that rational self interest is a contradiction on terms and the free market can't be trusted to decide squat.

Mia said...

Capitalism has a long list of problems, but do we really want the state to decide who is too fat or too thin to work?