24 June 2012

Does Size Matter?



Rugged outdoor

Everything else

There have been quite a few studies about penis size, some more reputable than others. Kinsey had a hard-on for penises, so to speak. It’s worth noting that in every study where men measure their own erections the average sizes are higher than in studies where men are measured by researchers. The hard data suggests that most men tend to aim too high. My own anecdotal evidence and highly unscientific research confirms this.

But average is such an impotent word when discussing the penis. According to the American Journal of Medicine the average erect penis is 15cm from top to tail. I shall use centimetres instead of inches since the numbers are bigger and that makes men very happy. According to Playboy Magazine the average length is 46cm. I don’t know if either study was questionnaire-based or hands-on. I would think that anybody who cares about accuracy would have a bone to pick with the Playboy study.


Bill said...

I think you've really put your finger on the button with this post on a subject that many tend to pussyfoot around on. Perhaps it's the modern tendency to try and put people in a box rather than beaver away to find the root cause of relationship problems.

Anonymous said...

Well said, and probably true that it doesn't matter so much if the other things are going well.

Loved the pictures at the end by the way...

Mia said...

The Ewan McGregor is my favourite.

Bill falls behind sometimes, but usually gets it in the end. He's not afraid to make an ass of himself as long as he's not the butt of jokes.

I could go on but I'm barely hanging on by the seat of my pants anyway.