01 September 2012

Unnecessary Financial Expenditures

Hong Kong Harbour from Victoria Peak in 2004



If there were not so much smog and weather you would be able to see the rise of the new ICC building, now Hong Kong’s tallest, on the left of each picture. In 2004 it was little more than a large patch of dirt. In 2008 it was probably half finished. By 2012 it was fully operational.

Name the tails


Anonymous said...

I AM PLEASED TO READ OF YOUR NUDE ROMPS AND in fact anything demonstrating the fact of being alive.

i thought perhaps you had fallen off the mountain.

it is better that you have not fallen off the mountain.

Bill said...

Singapore Air, Lufthansa, El Al, (can I phone a friend?) and Garuda, I think.

Mia said...

There wasn't all that much nudity in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is not the best place in the world to get naked.

Garuda is a good guess. From foreground to background it is: Air New Zealand, El Al, Lufthansa, Hainan Airlines, Cathay Pacific.

Bill said...

ACK! How could I miss Air NZ? It's the only international airline I've flown so far.

Kylie Purtell said...

Windows between the bedroom and bathroom? That is just plain stupid. Dave and I have most definitely lost some of the 'romance' of our relationship but I never in my life want to see him when he's going to the toilet sitting down. The smell that wafts out afterwards is bad enough let alone having to see him do it too. I'm reconsidering my want to go to Hong Kong now!

Mia said...

It's the latest trend. Maybe if you wait a few years they'll be on to something else.