18 April 2010

I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major

Though I will probably never be on the cover of Teen People Magazine it was a valuable learning experience. I got the chance to play multiple roles in the filmmaking process. I was technically the director. Not that I can use any of it to join the DGA. I was almost always the editor. My university education in editing is what got me the job in the first place. I was usually the DP and camera operator. Sometimes I would have somebody else do the actual shooting. Sometimes I was the sound mixer, which is very different live than it is in the bay. Sometimes I was even the gaffer. Just about the only jobs I never had to do were wardrobe since almost everybody on camera just wore their uniforms, and makeup since we had a few great makeup artists.


Jie Yi said...

Many congratulations! Is a new beginning.

Sasha said...

I love when you talk technical. I understand none of it but love it nonetheless.

Sasha said...

Is this title also a pun? Is the model of weaponry?

Mia said...

It's from a Gilbert and Sullivan song.
I am the very model of a modern major general

Bill said...

So what exactly does a gaffer do?

Mia said...

The gaffer is in charge of lighting equipment. On a large studio motion picture they're also the lead electrician and work directly with the DP and production designer. On a small independent production they'll set up the lights and often are the DP or production designer.