07 April 2010

Mia’s Peace Plan

Set a deadline for the formal creation of a sovereign Palestine and remove all Israeli military and security forces. At that point Palestine either has to step up to the plate or get off the field. If they refuse to have their own country yet again then make the territory part of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon or some kind of UN no man’s land. Once Palestine’s leaders reject further proposals for a sovereign Palestine then they can no longer claim homeland privileges and must accept the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in whatever country Palestine is placed. If it is divided amongst several countries then its people will be given the opportunity to relocate to another area that is part of whichever country they choose.

Alternately, an election can be held at an announced date and whoever is elected will then become the leaders of what will then be called Palestine. Any country that wishes to recognise it may do so. Israel should be the first. Those Palestinians who do not want to live in a sovereign Palestine will have the option to immigrate to any other country they wish, provided that other country accepts them. Any Arab country other than Jordan probably will not but everybody is welcome to try.

Should the leaders of Palestine finally accept a sovereign country then it is their responsibility to govern and control the people and territory without reliance on Israel for their survival or blaming Isreal for all their problems. Any acts of war committed by the people of Palestine or its leaders against any other sovereign country will be subject to the same consequences every other country in the world faces.


Alissa Grosso said...

Well, this makes sense to me, but sadly it is far too logical to ever be accepted.

Jo said...

Your peace plan is brilliant, Mia. However, that's the problem. The human race is a violent animal. If war and killing didn't exist, they would invent it, and they would invent more and more excuses for it. I can't think of any other animal as violent as the human race. I don't believe peace will ever exist anywhere.

MagicAlex said...

This is very one sided for Israel. Israel gets everything it wants and the Palestinians get table scraps. As the illegal occupiers of rightful Palestinian land, Israel should be more willing to compromise. There will only be peace when Israel apologizes and removes the shackles from the innocent victims. Jews of all people should know the oppressed always win in the end. The Palestinians will win someday. The sooner Israel realizes that the sooner there will be peace.

Mia said...

Alex, either you didn't read it or you're blinded by your liberal white guilt. My plan calls for many compromises on Israel's part. The reason it would fail is that it calls for compromise on Palestine's part too. That's something they've never been willing to consider.

Jo, I disagree. I think there can be peace. Look at Angola. Look at England and France. They fought each other forever and now war between them is unthinkable. It only requires all sides to have an open mind and a willingness to move on.

Bill said...

The peace between England and France eventually came about by having common enemies to fight. That, and the fact that technology allowed them to find safer and more interesting ways of annoying each other.

Jo said...

Mia, I don't mean a particular peace between nations, I mean "peace" in general. There will always be wars somewhere on earth. If peace "breaks out" in one place "war" will break out in another. Peace as a general concept is unthinkable to the human race. England may be at peace with France -- for now -- but English troops are in Afghanistan and Iraq so one cannot really say England is at peace. Peace is like quicksilver. It's evasive.

Mia said...

So Germany really is good for something?

Jo, I still disagree. I think humans will eventually realise that nobody can ever really win a war. Probably not in my lifetime. Maybe not in my children's lifetime. But eventually.

England and France are a great example. They hated each other for a very long time and now we'd all be pretty shocked if they went at it. The fact that England is not currently at peace takes nothing away from the fact that it is now allied with a former long-term foe. If you asked anybody 100, 200, 300 years ago if that could ever happen they'd say it's impossible. If those 2 countries can be friends who can't?

Sasha said...

I have never understood why every plan must be approved by all the arabs? If al saud does not like it so what? do you suggest israel should provide funds and health care to the west bank? They should not if they are an independant nation.

Mia said...

Arab countries have to approve because they're the countries the US and Europe are trying to appease. They don't particularly care about Palestine but Saudi Arabia is of major interest to them.

Israel already provides money, water, food, electricity, health care, security, infrastructure. There are reasons far more pragmatic than religion and territory that some want to keep things as they are.