03 June 2010

But My TV Said So

If your TV is anything like mine it told you that crime rates in China are rising and it is almost impossible to really know what the figures are. But your TV probably never mentioned that Chinese schools are amongst the safest in the world. School shootings are unheard of. There are no gangs. Not in the schools at least. Chinese gangs are more interesting in controlling gambling than recruiting children. Teen pregnancy is not simply well hidden. It is really not an issue. Most teenagers stay away from sex to avoid family shame. That still means something to the Chinese. It is also very hard to find any privacy when you live with several generations in the same house.


Bill said...

Regardless of whether the people on the flotilla were genuine do-gooders, or had more malicious motives, or were "useful idiots" as one official described them, you have to wonder if anyone in the Israeli government is ever going to stop for a moment and think, "Hey, maybe this isn't going to look so good - maybe this will do our cause more harm than good." You have to pick your battles.

Your TV is misguided if it tells you that it was a Hurricane that devastated New Orleans or that the city has fully recovered. As fond as I am of the place, the leak is damaging a much greater area than just New Orleans.

I've never considered "they didn't mean to" to be an adequate excuse for recklessness.

Mia said...

I complain about Israel's lack of PR nous as much as anybody but sometimes it's better to lose the PR battle than be completely obliterated. If more weapons are smuggled into Gaza and Israelis are killed how many of these peace activists will demonstrate at Palestinian embassies?

I'm sure most of the people on those boats only meant to do good but some of the people on one of the boats meant to do harm. There are many ways to send aid to Gaza. Israel sends more aid than anybody. Staging a political stunt isn't the best way.

I agree that you have to pick your battles. Protecting your country from those who want to wipe you off the map is one of those times. Some people seem to forget that there are very real threats to Israel's existence.

My TV is very misguided. That was the point of the post. I haven't seen any unbiased news reports in any country in years. I don't know about Australia but American and European news is almost always slanted against Israel. We don't get much Australian news around here.

Anonymous said...

[quote]If more weapons are smuggled into Gaza and Israelis are killed how many of these peace activists will demonstrate at Palestinian embassies?[/quote]


What is the reaction in Israel to the old coot Helen Thomas?????
anonymous=fab4fan from Strawberry Fields

Mia said...

I can't speak for everybody but I don't know who that is.

Mia said...

I looked her up. I don't think many Israelis give much thought one way or another to any White House reporter.

Sasha said...

What will happen when Iran sends a flotilla after the world cup?

Right now my TV is talking about the Russian patriots who are being persecuted in America.

Mia said...

Isn't it interesting that they're waiting until after the World Cup to send their humanitarian aid? People who want to save the world don't usually wait until it's a slow news day.

And I don't think American TV calls them patriots.