06 July 2011

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

According to the pageviews by countries list, more people from the United States visit this blog than every other country combined. I know a few people in the US but not enough to explain that. I know far more people in Israel, South Afrika, China but they are much farther down the list. In fact, China is not on it at all but all the Chinese posts are among the most viewed. My friends in China have to work around the government’s efforts to keep its people offline and I guess keeping the reds out of your computer also keeps Blogger stats out as well.

What I find strange is that India and Saudi Arabia are high on the list. I seem to be fairly popular in southeast Asia and the European countries make sense to me but Saudi Arabia?

One of the higher keyword searches is “saudi arab nude” but given the complete lack of naked Saudis on this site you might expect people to stop looking. Unless it is a case of come for the nude Saudis, stay for the military Zionists.


Bill said...

Before blogger introduced the stats page, I used Google analytics to find out where traffic has come from and how many unique visits I was getting. (yeah, I'm vain like that)

Curiously, the blogger stats and Google analytics seem to contradict each other sometimes, which is odd because they're both Google services.

I'm not sure how reliable any of these services are. They never show hits from Israel, even though one of my most frequent commenters is based there, yet I did once get a hit from Cape Town during one of the rare occasions someone I know happened to be there.

Mia said...

I'm not at all surprised that the two services contradict each other. They may be the same company but with most large corporations you have departments that don't operate in any similar way with each other. Often the left hand doesn't know who the right hand is doing.

I get very few visitors from Israel according to the stats but I know that most of the people who read this are in Israel. It's not uncommon for internet providers in this region to route through Europe.

Rmuddam said...

india deserve to be highest on your list because india people are the most technologically advanced.

Mia said...

That may or may not be so but they're not the people who visit most.