30 June 2011

Decent Exposure

Once we made our way from civilisation to nature we set up camp and Yoel and I put our clothes in bags where they belong. Yoel’s girlfriend was noticeably nervous so we decided to head straight for the water. Sometimes people need an excuse to strip off and swimming is as good as any. It is funny how people get when they are getting naked in front of others for the first time. It reminds me of watching people go off to war. Except that nudity is far less serious and almost never gets you killed. And war is a horribly unnatural invention of man. Also unlike war, we never pressured Yoel’s girlfriend into anything. She was free to remain as clothed as she wanted for as long as she wanted. She wanted to join us. She just needed the swimming excuse to help her along.

1 comment:

phil said...

My nephew is totally anti-nudity. Even boys shirtless is taboo with him. I was born in possibly the most conserv.ative Christianity in the world & they are always saying how bad skin is. I tried doing what I could to desensitize him, but my sister trashed the Game Informer magazines I gave him & he can't even watch most movies. When swimming, males & females have to be at separate parts of the lake; guys wear a shirt & pants & girls wear a shirt & dress. It is much more conservative then just clothing rules. I joined the N,a.vy to escape. Mom warned me not_to_join because of the nonreli.gious environm,ent but I couldn't take all the churcheness. 1 man was ban_ned from taking co.mmunion after a woman showed her skin & he saw it, which they aren’t supposed to do if they were really in that religion.
At least they support Israel.