20 September 2012

World Leader Pretend

I’m going to ignore how annoying it is that it takes them so long to hold elections. France held elections in April, run-offs 2 weeks later and Hollande was sworn in a week after that. Our 2009 elections were in February. About a week later Netanyahu was asked to form a coalition. A month later he was prime minister. It would have been faster had Livni been able to form a coalition. I still think she would have been a better PM.

Americans do it differently. Obama started campaigning in February 2007. He was elected in November 2008 and took office in January 2009. It takes them 2 years to get a job that lasts 4 years.

I suppose I’m not going to ignore it. Hindsight is 50/50.


esbboston said...

I have learned a long time ago to ignore almost aLL of their nonsense. Even watching the local city council (on teleBision!) can be mind numbing, especiaLLy knowing one of them quite weLL.

esbboston said...

I absolutely love your typo, Rmoney instead of Romney, please don't fix it.

Garry said...

I was born in Canada and now live in Mexico.....

In Canada one of Primeminsters said that Canada is like a mouse sleeping with an elephant ...the USA... It is hard to ignore your bed partner.

In Mexico one of the presidents said...poor Mexico, so far from god, so close to the United States...

I don't think most Israelis are necessarily as blasé as you are about these elections. Someone writing recently wrote that Israel is America's 51st state...errumph.

Mia said...

I can't take credit for Rmoney. I saw it in a political cartoon.

I think most Israelis care even less about the American elections than I do. In fact, I think most Americans would be very surprised by how little most Israelis think about their goings on.

Kylie Purtell said...

"There seems to be a large segment of their population that will believe absolutely anything that anybody with their same political views says. That sounds crazy but I truly believe it to be true."
Not crazy at all, I reckon it's pretty bang on the money! And ridiculously scary. Sadly Australia is going the same way I fear.

Mia said...

Suddenly I feel sorry for Australians.