30 September 2012

Happy New Year

The funny thing about significant others is that they have families too. During festivals where one normally spends time with family, which family does one choose? This has always been an easy choice for my older sisters. Since they cannot bear to leave my mother and grandmother alone they spend family festivals with them rather than their husband’s families. While I agree with that in principle, my boyfriend is rather close to his family. He does not want to be away from them any more than I want to be away from mine.


esbboston said...

I enjoyed your equating of "not doing too bad myself" with "married".

Kylie Purtell said...

That is the thing I hate the mot about special holidays, having to figure out which family you'll spend time with. After 10 years with Dave and not having many Christmas lunches with his family (we would do Christmas morning, breakfast and present opening with them) we had to stay their for lunch last year because we just couldn't justify not after spending lunch with my family for so many years in a row. Thankfully though Dave's family are not big on the special occasions and getting together which frees us up to see my family who like any excuse to celebrate (birthdays, mothers/fathers days, fun runs).

Mia said...

People always talk about how difficult mixed marriages are but I think it would be easier to decide where to go if your families celebrated different festivals.