11 October 2012

Will This Wind Be So Mighty As to Lay Low the Mountains of the Earth

We had previously discussed injuries in relation to the mountain. In the unlikely event that one or both of us make it to the summit we are on our own. We are going as a group but beyond the death zone it is every woman for herself. You can’t take somebody down with you if they are unable to move on their own. This is why people are sometimes left to die. It is not that they were with heartless bastards. It is physically impossible for any human being to carry the equipment they need to survive and another person down from the death zone. Helicopter rescue is not an option. You can’t actually land that high on the mountain and a stable hover is incredibly dangerous to everybody involved. I would never do it.


Anonymous said...

I read a good book on abandoning people, i mentioned it here earlier and I swear that it is a good literary read, and in the book one of the true characters is a russian guide who abandoned his folks and he was made out to be a heartless bastard.

I think that one will always be considered a heartless bastard if one abandons ones amigos or charges,btut this in the end is not the question. Rather, can one live with the stigma of heartless bastardom following you all the days of your life, or is it better to go down in an altuistic blaze or at least an icicle of glory.

I would simply not climb the mountain I think primarily to avoid this existential delimna (not).

Anonymous said...

ok mia. a few spelling errors. i dont know how to edit once i post. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a ton for stating your opinions. Being a writer, I am always in need of unique and different solutions to think about a topic. I actually uncover fantastic creativity in doing this. Many thanks

Mia said...

It's always difficult to leave a fallen commrade behind, but sometimes you have to. Sacrificing yourself to be with somebody who is already doomed might sound noble, but it doesn't help anybody.

I wouldn't worry about spelling. I don't think you can edit comments after they're posted.

Mia said...

If somebody writes a book about me, I want points.