04 February 2013

Lord, I Can’t Believe My Eyes, I Must Be Dreaming

And if all that was not enough, my boyfriend is now my fiancé. David got down on his busted knee and begged me to make him the happiest man in the world. Then he changed his mind and asked me to marry him. I thought about how this would affect the most important thing in life, my Facebook status, and said yes. Now we have to plan a wedding while planning an expedition to the highest mountain in the world.


Anonymous said...

my your tail is perpendicular... money better spent... a man has an obliqation that if not fulfilled will haunt him the rest of his married life.

this is my view anyway or did i miss the second feature.

congratulations and be careful up there.

curious... could a rabbi marry you on a radio or does this person have to be present...

esbboston said...

When I text I like to use complete eXtremely long words.

esbboston said...

So you are planning to never rest and Everest at the same time. Hahaha words, congratulations on getting engaged.

esbboston said...

I did find an app that lets me eXchange photographs between iPhones and iPads (iOS devices) using Blue Tooth, so that is handy when you are in a desolate area of absolutely no IP networks. I haven't tried messaging with just Blue Tooth yet.

fab4fan said...

Mazel Tov!

Anonymous said...


i have a question.. have you read the book called the The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, which is set in sitka alaska. i thought you probably have.

before you get too offended by asking such an obvious question, i too sometimes read books about cowboys and indians because there are indians in the books.

Mia said...

Garry, a rabbi is not required to be physically present, but must oversee the operation. Two witnesses are also required. I think the main objection to a wedding on Everest from a rabbinic point of view would be that nobody could tell all the people apart. Everybody looks the same in all that gear.

And I have not read the Yiddish Policeman's Union, but I have read César Cascabel.

Mia said...

Ernest, I like to use extremely short words. My generation is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobic.

Mia said...

Fab, John if memory serves, thank you.