17 August 2009

American Idol

Obama to launch PR campaign to sway Israelis, Arabs on peace 
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz

In light of the difficulties it has encountered in advancing the diplomatic process in the Middle East, the Obama administration plans on launching a public relations blitz in Israel and the Arab states. 

The New York Times reported on Monday that President Barack Obama plans to grant a number of interviews to Israeli and Arab television stations as part of his campaign to sway public opinion in the region in favor of his vision for peace. 

Good luck with that.


Anonymous said...

Obama is no king, nor is he a religious leader. He cannot capture the essence of a country in his person, as say the Sun King, Louis the XIV did.

He is more powerful that all of that. American Policy operates on the principle that reality is a relative thing. If one is the biggest ball carrier on the block then what you say goes. In other words, If America says reality is A then A is reality. The rest of the world has to go along. It is like the Queen never being late. If she arrives late, all her minions have to do is to turn th clock back.

I am not making this up. This is what policy advisors in Washington have said and continue to say. All that is required is that the leadership buy into the program.

Now Bush said Israel is fer us. In Bushes Manechean world of hot and cold and black and white, Israel was with the fers, the axis of evil was with the agin. And so, with all of the world.

Now if Obama buys into a vision that he firmly believe is right and his minions go along, I am afraid dear Mia that he is unfortunately right and this is how the world will go. Obama does not have to understand Israel or Palestine to deal with Israel or Palestine.

If he says reality is this, and I have to do that that that will happen. Democracy as we peons know it does not include the overwhelming power of a super state.

Anonymous said...

PS. I guess what it comes down to is that this has nothing to do with managing cars or dealing with health care. Outsides live outside of America. Once America decides to nuke you as they did the japs, then so sorry but we got the nukes you dont.

Outside is different that inside. What has happened a bit was that Israel was kinda an inside group. Sort of a dopted kid. Special. Doncha worry, we'll take care of you. All that WW11 stuff we believed in that and America is Jewish too.

Obama is doing the following. First he says, America is not Muslim. He means it is not Jewish either. The agenda is different. Israel is one of many in the Middle east. I talk to one, I will speak with the other. Israel is on the outs. More than that, it is no longer the unhappy child, the 51st state. No Obama has kicked Israel out of the house because, well because he can. No matter if he loses a few jewish votes, which he will not in te end because Jewish voters like Obama.

Bill said...

Successive US presidents have felt some kind of duty to mentor Israel and Palestine. Considering the amount of money the US has poured into Israel, and the way they have been demonised in the Arab world for doing so, perhaps they are right to feel some obligation to the region.

I still like Obama and I'm not disappointed that the world isn't perfect yet because I wasn't silly enough to believe it would be. I am disappointed that he is wasting so much time trying to talk sense to freaks and lunatics.

But I agree that real change would be if the president of the US said, "You know what? I've got my own damn country to run, and if that loses me Florida then hopefully I can pick up enough other states to make it not matter."

Sasha said...

Peace in the mideast will come precisely when the Americans back away. The interference is harming peace just as the English did before them. Once they are left alone to decide their own fate they will chose peace.

Lady Love said...

What Sasha wrote makes sense. US should leave the world alone.

"Somebody needs to tell him that most people in the Middle East don’t worship the TV the way his people do."

"I say if Obama can’t negotiate a truce between people of his own culture and temperament then he can’t negotiate with people he doesn’t really understand."

Good observations.

Oscar said...

Beatiful blog!!!
I m argentine from Bs As

Jie Yi said...


Mia said...

I'm right here.

Welcome, Oscar. I've a few readers from Argentina that I know of.

Garry, if Israel was the 51st state then I'm glad we're being kicked out. I can't afford American medical bills.

Bill, Obama will only lose Florida if he upsets the Batista Cubans. Which it looks like he's doing.

Magic Alex said...

Why does the richest nation in the world have substandard healthcare that costs a fortune? Can anyone tell me why we have to go into debt to see a doctor for 5 minutes without quoting Fox News?

Mia said...

Because if you had universal health care like the rest of the developed world you'd have to carry a hammer and sickle everywhere.