12 August 2009

Natural Disasters

Israel is prone to earthquakes but there has not been a noteworthy one since before my grandmother’s grandmother was born. People still mention that it completely destroyed the Jewish side of town while the Muslim side had only minor damage. Further proof that we are the Chosen People, I suppose.

We can’t have typhoons. Tsunamis are unlikely. Parts of the country are prone to sandstorms, but not where I live. This might be the safest place I have ever lived. Discounting rocket attacks.


Anonymous said...

While feeling Grossly Underqualified to comment on your post regarding disasters having never participated in one, I wish to speak on fires. Canada is always burning up somewhere and the crews make a decent living. Canadian fire crews are actually quite good and people in other countries like having them around.

I remember in the old days, a lot of unemployed people would not dare go into town because the RCMP would round up all of the usual suspects and send them off to fight fires. Compulsory service. Since white people were basically friends of the cops, the firefighters tended to all be Natives. Wasnt all that bad. People expected to get picked up. Got three squares a day and minimum wage payable on return. Most of the money ended up at the York Hotel saloon. Except for the crew bosses of course who were all white guys.

Anonymous said...

It is sometimes tough to be the chosen of that old grouch upstairs.

Bill said...

I can certainly confirm that other countries enjoy having them around!

Lady Love said...

I only have summer storms experience and when I know it's going to rain in Sao Paulo, I don't leave home because the only way to return home is via Subway and 11 million creatures trying to do the same thing stink. Other than that, my first days in Texas were scary. There was some sand storm, I thought it was the end of the world. Those strong winds, man, I could fly if I wanted to. Why some countries and why not others? I don't know. I think the opportunity to restart stronger than ever is for few.

Sasha said...

We only have unbearable bitter cold.

Mia said...

Sandstorms are horrible things. I'm glad we don't get them here.