28 March 2010

Die Familie und das Fischernetz

Another simple rule about travelling to Switzerland is that it can be one of the most expensive countries in Europe. We went to Zürich, which is not the greatest place for budget travellers. Had I gone alone I would have paid a small fortune to sleep in a closet. One of the benefits of travelling with a group of people you know very well is that you can afford much nicer accommodations. We rented a house not all that far from Tina Turner’s Küsnacht Ferienhaus at Zürichsee that was very reasonable since there were so many of us.






Jo said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. Will there be any naked people in them?

I read about Switzerland passing the law against minarets, and I wondered why they did it. Was it because Switzerland is a tourist destination, and they were trying to keep the "picture postcard" ideal of Switzerland? There didn't seem to be any plausible explanation.

I'm sure your 14 year-old cousin didn't mind sharing a room with you too. I have an idea he thought you were very cool.

I would love to see your photographs, and hear more stories of your visit. :-)

Mia said...

The minaret ban is simple irrational fear and bigotry. Lots of tourist destinations have Muslims and mosques. Istanbul wouldn't be the same without them. Switzerland's postcards can't be harmed by any religious group. Unless they build temples on top of the Matterhorn.

The worst part is that Switzerland hasn't shown this much religious intolerance in a few hundred years. It's been a country that welcomed everybody for a long time.

I try not to post pictures of people without their permission and most of the naked people in my Switzerland pictures are strangers. Maybe now that Switzerland is becoming more uptight there will be less of that.

My nephew does think I'm cool. But he's only 14.

Sasha said...

I gave up hope for naked photos long time ago.

Anonymous said...

What does this mean? "sharing a room with her for 2 weeks would probably get me doing my Jim Gordon impression."

Mia said...

Jim Gordon is a very famous drummer who brutally murdered his mother.