30 March 2010

The Next Best Thing to Be

I am not dying to be married and I’m not completely baby obsessed. Yet. But I think I have reached the age that if I am dating somebody that I know I’m never going to marry then what is the point? Dating for the sake of dating seems completely natural when you are 20 but I think it looses a little something when you start to lose that endless battle between your body and gravity. Or as my mother would say I’m getting too old to act like a teenager.


Alissa Grosso said...

Sometimes I feel like I'm the last single person on earth. I know that's not true, but sometimes it does feel that way. My parents are a little too concerned with the idea of finding me a guy. I'm happy being single, and I would much rather be single than be with someone I didn't really like. The difference I've noticed in dating now (in my 30s) than when I was younger is how much the guy seems to be obsessed with finding a wife. Marriage is all well and good, but that's not really my goal. I'd rather get to know someone first before I think about that, but I've been on more than one first date where the m-word comes up, and find it kind of scary.

Sasha said...

Finally. Now you are ready for real man.

Travelingrant said...

Yeah I know what you mean. I feel like I'd rather be single, then be with someone just for the sake of not being single. That is just not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

What does this mean? "everybody is trying out as much as they can before they chunder."

Mia said...

Alissa, you're not alone. We're a very large club. My problem with my mother is that I'm the next in line. Both of my older sisters are married and either have children or are expecting a child.

Sasha, it's the real men that cause the real problems.

Grant, I think a lot of people are only with people to not be single.

Anonymous, chunder, spew, Ralph, chuck upward, gastroliberate, Wallace and Gromit, see a man about a hurl, esophagial change of heart, redecorate the carpet, give praise to the almighty god of toilet fixtures, regurgitation emancipation proclamation, listen to ABBA, pass Go and collect $200, take the V train.

Jo said...

Mia, when you least expect it, that's when it will happen.