20 December 2013

Fortnight in the Philippines

So it turns out my blog post about the Philippines was long enough to be a book. It is a bit of a short book but a book nonetheless.

It was such a unique experience that writing about it was both very easy and a bit of a challenge. There is so much to say about what happened, what we did, the ongoing situation. I could have made an epic that rivaled War and Peace. In length. Not so much in artistic value. But who has time to write such a thing. And, frankly, who would ever read it.

It is currently available in a variety of digital formats. Print versions will likely take a while. I am still trying to get Letters to Friends in paperback. That one is flying off the shelves like a zeppelin. This one might have to wait.

A bunch of different formats

Barnes and Noble, Sony, Apple are all coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you good luck in your poetic and literary endeavor.