01 July 2009

The Dating Game: First Kiss

Cheered on by our peers, Mark and I dutifully made our way into the dark wardrobe. I was wallowing too much in my own broken dreams to notice that I was not Mark’s first choice either. Once locked away inside, Mark looked at me like I was not a whore and I looked at him like he was not Aaron. We spent the better part of those seven minutes not doing anything our parents would lose any sleep over.


Lady Love said...

I played this game and I kissed Rafael, the guy of my dreams...when I was a teen. Tall, blonde, blue eyes, not exactly a jerk but a virgo, shy and annoying but he was brave enough to kiss me and that was good enough. The kiss was not good enough but it was good enough for the first kiss of my life. Thanks God we didn't date.
It's interesting that you 2 dated after that. We never stay with the person of our "dreams" and that's a good thing. We will stay with someone who looks like a human and act like one, not with the perfect god. =)

As the poet wrote "I can say to myself of the love (I’ve had)
May it not be immortal, since it is a flame
But let it be endless for as long as it may last."

Sasha said...

My first kiss was with a girl with a moustache and one foot that curved inward.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe in inner beauty. Beauty can never be hidden. One might be blind however.

About kissing. This activity is not allowed within three kilometers from my house and six if my daughter is involved. Kissers of said daughter will be shot.

I am sorry about that. But that is just the way I am.

PS It is a proven fact that Kissing causes substantial losses of allowance and is a chief promoter of swine flu.

MagicAlex said...

I just want to say I like these stories from the past more than the op-ed pieces on current events. You tell them so well. I can picture all of it.

MagicAlex said...

I also need to point out the Woody Allen quote. "Students achieving oneness will move on to twoness".