14 July 2009

Two’s Company

I think it is appropriate that everybody is now talking about Jackson like he is the epitome of all that is good and pure in the world. When you are dead they should remember the good things and not whatever disgusting things were forced upon little boys. Allegedly. I personally think that he never did anything untoward to any children. What I thought was inappropriate was making his daughter give a speech in front of thousands of strangers in that stadium. That seemed more than manipulative. That was just mean.


Bill said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Paris's speech was slightly contrived. I could have believed it was her own idea until Janet told her to speak up. "Yes, we know you're consumed by grief at the loss of your father but make sure the mic can pick you up."
Isn't it funny how with Michael gone, his kids are all over the tabloids after he worked so hard to prevent that.

Now I read that Joe wants to send the three of them on tour next year. Sickening!

Sasha said...

You're lucky. All we hear about here is Michael Jackson 24/7.

Lady Love said...

You see how things are, people are already joking on his death. Yesterday someone told me a joke.

"What was the first thing Michael Jackson asked for God after his death?

Answer: Where's little boy Jesus?"

"everybody’s talking about Jackson like he’s the epitome of all that’s good and pure in the world."

This is what happens when you die, you become a saint. It's a typical Western World thing. Wait for Madonna's death...

Anonymous said...

Was Jack Ritter the guy with the blond hair in that series? Or was he the one that sold those exercise things on TV. Oops Suzanne Sommers.

Jack Ritter's father, Tex sang one of my favourite songs of all time. High Noon. A wonderful movie and Grace Kelly was a Quaker in the movie. She even managed to look virginal.

MagicAlex said...

Jermaine said now that he's gone maybe the media will leave him alone. He's the one who started the media frenzy in the first place. If they hounded him it's only because he wanted them to. All that freakish behavior was an act to sell millions of records.

Mia said...

It probably started out as an act but it went too far to say he was only joking. If you pretend to be a freak day and night for 2 decades, you're probably a freak.