I don’t think these people deserve the attention they are getting. They are not credible threats. Queen Elizabeth shall not be converting to Islam in the near future. German trains will remain as efficient as ever. If New York explodes it will be because of Wall Street, not wasat. The only reason they are getting any attention at all is because they are making all their noise in the West. Meaning the proper Christian countries. You never hear about tiny fringe groups threatening to bomb shops in Indonesia.
Mainstream Christian recruitment or fringe extremist group?
Be afraid. Be very afraid
Muslims and christians fear the other equally. Their hatred will only stop once they become willing to undersand the other. Until then expect more bombs.
Moslems are the new boogeyman. The politicians can't control us without fear so they need some ethnic group middle America can rally against. There's nothing American fear more than people who are different: different religion, different skin color, different language, etc..
When a moslem kills someone we hear about it nonstop, whereas when an American Indian kills someone we might not hear anything at all because we're not afraid of American Indians. We slaughtered most of them years ago and we've so stereotyped the rest as nature loving drunks there's not much to be afraid of. As you say there are a billion moslems so there's lots to be afraid of.
We hear about American soldiers killing their commrades and ask why. Is it religion? I don't think so. I think they are so unhappy for have to be world soldier and not home country soldier.
This particular soldier was in his home country when he killed people.
A man was shot while driving in San Francisco Friday. Somebody was shot this week in North Carolina or North Dakota. I haven't heard anything about the shooters religions.
None of those shooters you've mentioned jumped onto a desk and shouted, "Allahu Akbar!" before firing more than 100 rounds at unarmed individuals.
Hopefully, Major Hasan will be executed for his cowardly act of terrorism, but totally explains why Muslims are feared in America; no other religious group puts their membership in a religious faith before their country.
Every American religious group I've ever heard about puts their religion above their country. It's always God and country, not country and God.
I think American fear of Muslims has nothing to do with the very few isolated acts of terrorism. If that were true then Americans would be deathly afraid of Christians.
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