01 December 2009

Passport to China Again


Alissa Grosso said...

Beautiful pictures! Very interesting about Confucius having no one name in Chinese.

Jie Yi said...

Jiang-su is very beautiful and the perfect for a water person as you. I thank you for using the Chinese as I would not know of Dahsiung baotien as you say. English letters cannot always express the true meaning of a word. I know Confucius however. Perhaps anyone who speaks English will know his name. He is very famous and wise.

Mia said...

Most prominent Chinese people had several names. Dr Sun Yatsen had at least 12 I think. Some people only know him by whatever name he's known as in that region.

MagicAlex said...

So where's the best area for me to get a teaching job?

Mia said...

It depends where you want to live. China's a large country with a diverse landscape. There are more schools in the big cities and more foreigners looking for jobs. It's easier to find a job in small towns but there are fewer schools.

It's easier to live a life similar to what you know in bigger cities. If you want to really experience China you're better off in small villages.

As an American you should be able to find a job almost anywhere. They all seem to want Americans more than anybody else.

Sasha said...

If you like vast shorelines theres none greater than Russia.

Mia said...

None more vast but most of it doesn't seem ideal for swimming.