20 June 2009


I stayed at my parents’ house for a while. That was an unusual experience. Except for during my recuperation I had not lived with them since early high school and most of the time I lived at school. I usually stayed with one of my sisters or my grandparents whenever I visited the country. Spending the night with my sisters is like a childhood sleepover. Staying with my grandparents is an adventure in diplomacy and decorum. Living with my parents was awkward. Not so much because Papa was ill but because I was no longer 15 years old. My habits and hobbies had become more adult. I think it naturally hard for a mother to treat her child like an adult after treating her like a child for so long.


Anonymous said...

I wish you well. I had my heart attack at 44. I retired at 45. I was granted a new life and it made me crazy for awhile. I had a second heart attack in Spain just before I turned 50. I lost my sense of dread then and have been oddly happy since. Invictus I suppose. Or just plain, "I am sick and tired and I am not gonna take this anymore!" I wish that I will be remembered as well as your pa.

Anonymous said...

I mean you should go back to SF and makes thing more interesting.

Mia said...

I don't think San Francisco needs me to be interesting. I haven't even been there in years.

Hagar said...

He was a wonderful man, not least for raising wonderful daughters.